December 4, 2008 is Project Homeless Connect Day where our committee will be hosting a booth for our annual book give-away-- we are currently looking for additional book donations and for people to spend time with us at the booth.
This year's Project Homeless Connect Day will be held on Thursday, December 4th, from 10am – 3pm on 6th Street between Wall Street and San Pedro. The Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council (DLANC) Education Committee will be hosting a used book and dictionary giveaway at a booth at this year's event. From the inception of Downtown's Project Homeless Connect Day our book and dictionary giveaway has drawn a large number of serious readers who carefully peruse the exceptional books donated by Little Tokyo and Central libraries as well as members of our community.
With this year's book giveaway a few short weeks away we are looking to increase the number of books that we have been able to offer in the past. We turn to you, our community, in hopes of inspiring more donations so that the engaged readers visiting our booth to will have their thirst for literature satiated.
If you have any books that you would like to donate to this event, you may drop them off on the third floor of 606 S. Olive Street, between 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday, until December 2nd. In the lobby of the third floor you will find a box to leave your books which will be picked up by our committee chair. All books will undoubtedly find a home with the serious readers in the homeless and Skid Row communities, but of particular interest are books about religion, history, those that are self-help themed, children's books, novels, and Spanish language books. Please keep in mind the large influx of children of all ages to the homeless community downtown.
We are also interested in having community members help us on the day of the event at the booth-- if you are interested in joining us on the day of the event please contact Danielle at